Orphan disease network

Orphan diseases network

4. Bipartite network - All diseases connected to more than 3 genes

This map contains the graph of each orphan disease connected to at least 4 genes, and all the genes connected to these orphan diseases. The red nodes represent the orphan diseases and the green ones the related genes. A disease is connected to a gene if and only if a mutation which is responsible of the disease has been identified on this gene.

This map is displayed with the Microsoft® Live Labs™ Web application Seadragon, and the layout of the graph has been done with the graph visualization software Gephi. It is possible to drag and drop the previous map with the mouse click, and to zoom in and out with the mouse wheel or the + and - buttons on the bottom-right of the map.

Also, here is the map of the connected components with GexfExplorer. It is possible to click on a component to explore it.