README R Implementation of Sincera: a Computational Pipeline for Single-cell RNA-seq Profiling Analysis Author: Minzhe Guo ( Version: alpha.03012015 Status: core functions of Sincera are ready; we are working on the documentation, interface, result presentation, and error handling improvement. DESCRIPTION OF FILES: 1) E16.5.Rd: R data object file containing Single-cell RNA-seq expression data from mouse lung at E16.5 and gene-celltype association data downloaded from EBI Expression Atlas. exprs.m: the FPKM values of 36188 Ensembl genes in 148 cells cells: the information of 148 cells, the cluster membership of cells used in the manuscript is encoded in the column "CLUSTER" genes: the information of 36188 Ensembl genes celltype.gene.association: processed cell type and gene association data downloaded from EBI Expression Atlas ( celltype.genome.count: the hits of each cell type in the genome of 36188 Ensembl genes data4cm: data for demonstrating the consensus-maximization-based refinement of regulatory target prediction for Nkx2-1 in epithelial cells 2) sincera: R functions to implement the pipeline. 3) demo.R: R functions to utilize Sincera for analysing E16.5 data. INSTALLATION AND RUNNING THE DEMO 1) Download and unzip the sincera package, 2) Open R GUI (required version >= 3.1.2) 3) Change the directory of R GUI to the unzipped directory 4) Run the demo by sourcing demo.R in R GUI.