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  • The updated version of LungGENS is within LGEA Web Portal.
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1. Du Y, Guo M, Whitsett JA, Xu Y. “LungGENS”: a web-based tool for mapping single-cell gene expression in the developing lung. Thorax. 2015;70(11):1092-1094.
2. Du Y, Kitzmiller JA, Sridharan A, Perl AK, Bridges JP, Misra RS, Pryhuber GS, Mariani TJ, Bhattacharya S, Guo M, Potter SS, Dexheimer P, Aronow B, Jobe AH, Whitsett JA, Xu Y. Lung Gene Expression Analysis (LGEA): an integrative web portal for comprehensive gene expression data analysis in lung development. Thorax 2017;72(5):481-84.