# Reports: 21,560,354
Data Range: 2004q1 - 2024q2

AERSMine: Querying AERSMine - Basic Workflow

Basic workflow to query AERSMine, select

Specify Drug(s) → Indication(s) → Adverse Event(s) → Demographic stratifications → Options

Ontologies - Drugs, Indications and Adverse Events

From the homepage, click Explore – this is the central interface to analyzing the large-scale clinical effects data.





Adverse Events

Adverse Events





Analyze Data

Analyze Data

Explore Analysis


ExploreAnalysis - Edit Analysis

ExploreAnalysis - Analysis Details

ExploreAnalysis - Analysis Filters

ExploreAnalysis - Analysis Console

ExploreAnalysis - Ranking Controls

Save and Load Analyses

AERSMine also allows saving and loading analyses using the ‘Save Analysis’ and ‘Load Analysis’ feature, which allows reproducibility (especially when sharing analyses), continuity, and portability across multiple workstations. The Save Analysis feature downloads the current analysis as a ‘.aers’ text file, which can be loaded using Load Analysis for retrieving the saved user-defined queries.

Save Analysis

Create a sample query to identify the top AEs reported by patients on ‘angiotensin ii receptor antagonists, plain’ with any ‘vascular hypertensive disorder’.

Create a sample query to select patients on ‘angiotensin ii receptor antagonists, plain’ with any ‘vascular hypertensive disorder’ as their clinical indication.

Click Run Analysis.

Click Save Analysis to save the current analysis. The Save Analysis feature preserves the selected options, demographics, and filters.

You can add a Title to the query, a description of the analysis and a file name to save as.

The query is saved as a .aers text file.

Load Analysis

To load an analysis, click in Load Analysis.

Click Choose File to load a saved analysis.

Select the saved analysis.

Shows the loaded .aers file and click Load to load the analysis. Click Run Analysis to see the results.